IPv6 Fully Responsive Prefixes Service

On this website we provide an IPv6 Fully Responsive Prefix (FRP) service where we publish the Fully Responsive Prefix list (FRPlist) to interested researchers.

Fully Responsive Prefixes

"Number of prefixes" refers to the number of all probed FRPs after taking the largest (i.e., avoiding the co-existence of a prefix and its sub-prefixes).
"Number of prefixes (/64)" refers to the number of /64 prefixes covered by FRPlist, derived from the address space covered by FRPlist and /64 prefixes. Its purpose is to compare and illustrate the changes in the size of the FRPlist over time.

All Fully Responsive Prefixes

Fully Responsive Routing Prefixes

Fully Responsive Non-routing Prefixes

Openly Accessible Service

You can use the generated list of Fully Responsive Prefixes, Fully Responsive Routing Prefixes, Fully Responsive Non-routing Prefixes, and Code of Luori:

Distribution of Fully Responsive Prefixes

We provide an analysis of the attributes associated with FRPs in FRPlist, including their Autonomous System (AS), Organization(ORG), Fine-grained business category(FGBC), Coarse-Grained Business Category(CGBC) and Country.

All Fully Responsive Prefixes

AS-Num-ORG refers to the number of FRPs within an AS and the corresponding ORG associated with that AS.
CGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs under CGBC.
FGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs within FGBC.
ORG-AS-Num refers to the number of ASes within an ORG and the number of FRPs within those ASes.
Country-Num refers to the number of FRPs within ASes belonging to a specific country.

Fully Responsive Routing Prefixes

AS-Num-ORG refers to the number of FRPs within an AS and the corresponding ORG associated with that AS.
CGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs under CGBC.
FGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs within FGBC.
ORG-AS-Num refers to the number of ASes within an ORG and the number of FRPs within those ASes.
Country-Num refers to the number of FRPs within ASes belonging to a specific country.

Fully Responsive Non-routing Prefixes

AS-Num-ORG refers to the number of FRPs within an AS and the corresponding ORG associated with that AS.
CGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs under CGBC.
FGBC-Num refers to the number of FRPs within FGBC.
ORG-AS-Num refers to the number of ASes within an ORG and the number of FRPs within those ASes.
Country-Num refers to the number of FRPs within ASes belonging to a specific country.